Tearing Test for Fabric

tearing test for fabric

Tearing test for fabric is the measure the resistance of fabric against tearing, starting a cut in the fabric. There is an important test standard, which applies to most fabrics. That is ASTM D2261

In this test method, a cut is made in a rectangular specimen, which starts a tear. By cutting the material, two “tongues” are formed. One tongue is placed in the upper jaw and one tongue is placed in the lower jaw. As the test is run, the jaws move apart and the fabric tears along the pre-cut segment. The resulting data reflects the strength of the yarns, fiber bonds, and fiber interlocks, as well as their resistance to tearing.

The fabric tearing test data can be rapid display on the LCD display with Labthink Tensile Testing Machine. And Labthink pneumatic grips with rubber faces are well-suited to gripping nearly all types of fabric specimens for this test while maintaining high throughput

Tearing Test for fabricFabric tearing resistance tester fabric tearing strength testing machine Tearing tester machine of fabric and textile fabric testing machine tearing testtearing test machine