Oxygen permeability is the ability of a barrier material to oxygen to permeate through it in a specific time. Oxygen permeability may vary with temperature, humidity, pressure and specimen thickness.
Oxygen Transmission Rate (OTR) Test System is designed and manufactured based on the coulometric sensor method (aka. equal pressure method) and conforms to ASTM D3985 and ISO 15105-2.
C201B Oxygen Transmission Rate Test System is designed and manufactured based on the coulometric sensor method andconforms to ASTM D3985.
C206H Oxygen Transmission Rate Test System is designed and manufactured based on the coulometricsensor method and conforms to ASTM D3985.
C203H Oxygen TransmissionRate Test System is based on Coulometric oxygen analysis sensor andequal pressure test metod, and is conforming to ASTM D 3985 and otherstandards. It provides high-precision and high-efficiency oxygen permeabilitytests for high and medium gas barrier materials.
C230 Oxygen Transmission Rate Test System is designed and manufactured based on the coulometric sensor method (aka. equal pressure method) and conforms to ASTM D3985.