From October 23 to 24, "2018International Green Packaging Development Summit Forum -- Global PackagingSustainable Development Trend and Green Packaging Application Forum" willbe opened in Jinan, Shandong province. by Chinese Export Commodities PackagingResearch Institute, National Packaging Product Quality Supervision andInspection Center (Jinan) host, Labthink Instruments Co., Ltd., the world'sgiant will converge on the packaging and related industry, share "a globalview of the sustainable development of green packaging" and discuss thefuture opportunities and challenges.

With the addition of more speakers, theagenda has been updated. Due to the limited number of places, interestedenterprises or individuals are welcome to register in advance. During thisforum, a green packaging exhibition will be held to display new products, newtechnologies, new processes and new equipment of upstream and downstreamenterprises in the packaging industry chain. Enterprises are welcome to contactand cooperate.

Now, the advance disclosure of all thespeakers!

Prof. Pierre Pienaar

World Packaging Organization   President

His speech: Being Smarter and More Adaptiveto Ensure the Future of Sustainable Packaging

Pierre Pienaar is the new Chairman of theWorld Packaging Organization (WPO) as of 1 January 2018. He holds a Master ofScience degree (Packaging Engineering/Technology) from Brunel University, UKand a Master's degree in Manufacturing and production from The University ofHertfordshire, UK. He is a certified packaging specialist registered in 52countries. He has served as national President of the Packaging Institute ofSouth Africa (IPSA), honorary Life Member of IPSA, member of the PackagingInstitute of Australia (AIP), and member of the Australian Food, Industry andScience and Technology Profession. He is currently the National Director ofEducation, the former national President of AIP, and the former Vice Presidentof the World Packaging Organization (WPO), responsible for global packagingeducation. For the past 28 years, he has taught packaging technology andscience at universities and institutions around the world. He is currentlyteaching a Master's degree in food Innovation and Packaging at the Universityof Melbourne, Beijing University, Sichuan University, Tra Vinh University,Gadjah Mada University and the University of New South Wales.

Dr. Johannes Bergmair

World Packaging Organization   Secretary General

His speech: Packaging that Saves Food WorldInnovative Plastics Packaging that Fight Hunger, Reduce Food Waste and ImproveSocial Conditions

Dr Johannes Bergmair studied food and biotechnologyat the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) inVienna and completed his Master of Technology degree at the Institute of FoodTechnology in 1999. His area of expertise in packaging is quality assurance insupply chain food. Since April 2003, Dr. Bergmair has held lectures onpackaging technology at several universities in Austria and Germany, served asan expert in packaging courts, and as a health management auditor in theproduction of packaging materials (e.g. BRC/IoP, ISO 22.000, EN 15593 and FEFCOGMP). Member of the Austrian Standardization Committee "Packaging"and member of the Austrian Board of Directors of WPO (World PackagingOrganization) since 2011.As of 2014, WPO will assume the role of vice Presidentfor Sustainable Development and Food Safety.

Antro Saila

World Packaging Organization   Vice President Sustainability and Save Food

Her speech Challenges and Opportunities ofPackaging in Circular Economy -- Special Focus in Development in Europe

Antro holds a Master of Science degree inforest Product Marketing from the University of Helsinki in 1989.Antro has beenmanaging Director of the Finnish Packaging Association since 2014.She alsoserves as Chairman of Rinki, a Finnish packaging recycling company, chairman ofthe Finnish National Packaging Standardization Committee and Chairman of theScandinavian Packaging Association. At the World Packaging Organization, shehas been a member of its board of Directors since 2015 and vice President,Sustainability and Executive Team, WPO since 2018.

Jongkyoung Kim

Korea Conformity Laboratories  Head researcher

His speech: Techniques and Standardizationon Temperature-Controlled Product Packaging

From November 2015 till now, I have beenworking as the chief researcher in The Institute of Construction Living EnvironmentTest in South Korea. His research field is logistics and packaging research anddevelopment. Former National Logistics standards Coordinator, Korea TechnicalStandards Agency, responsible for planning, developing and coordinatingnational and international logistics standards. He is the project leader of ISOTC122 (Packaging), SC4 WG3 (Re-use) and WG13 (Recyclable TransportationSystem).He holds a Ph.D. in packaging from Michigan State University. Koreanconstruction living environment test institute (KCL) is the industry tradeministry of national technical standards of related institutions, and in July2010, Korea Construction Material Test Institute and Korean Life Health Test Institutemerged, as South Korea's authoritative testing, certification bodies tore-start and gradually developed into a global certification body.

Professor Dai Tiejun

Professor/Doctoral Supervisor, Institute ofCircular Economy, Beijing University of Technology

His speech theme: Paper Packaging WasteIndustrial Policy, Market Structure and Production Process Optimization Basedon Ecological Cost Analysis

Dai Tiejun, male, Doctor of IndustrialEcology, postdoctoral fellow of Resource Environment and Circular Economy,professor, doctoral supervisor. Mainly engaged in regional circular economytheory and evaluation, circular economy policy and practice, industrial ecologytheory and other interdisciplinary research work.

As the vice director member of GreenPackaging of Chinese Environmental Sciences Association, managing director ofProfessional Committee of the Chinese society of Ecological Economy andCircular Economy, managing director of Professional Committee of the ChineseSociety of Ecological Economy and Industrial Ecological Economy and Technology,managing director of Professional Committee of the Chinese Society ofEcological Economy and education, professional committee member of ChinaAssociation of Circular Economy Committee of Experts, member of the Expert Committeeof China Resources Comprehensive Utilization Association, the professor ClimateChange and Low Carbon Economy Research Institute of China Renmin University, professorof EU JEMES Program.

Ms Cui Yan

Secretary General of China MaterialRecycling Association

Speech Theme: Analysis of PackagingRecycling in China

Ms. Cui Yan is also the Secretary Generalof the Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance of Resource CompulsoryRecycling Environmental Protection Industry and a member of the NationalTechnical Committee of Standardization of Product Recycling Foundation andManagement. Mainly responsible for the ministry of issues, national andindustry standards and enterprise project implementation plan.

Mr. Xing Wenbin

Deputy Chief Engineer of China ExportCommodity Packaging Research Institute

Keynote Speech: Theoretical Development andIndustrial Practice of Sustainable Packaging in China.

Mr. Xu Chao

Deputy Director of Shandong Institute ofProduct Quality Inspection (National Packaging Center, Jinan)

Keynote Speech "Introduction of GreenPackaging Evaluation Methods and Guidelines"

Ms Tian Hui

Deputy Director of the Research Center ofElectrical Cycle and Green Development, China Household Appliance ResearchInstitute

Speech Theme "Green Manufacturing andGreen Packaging of Home Appliance Industry"

Mr. Duan Yanjian

Jingdong Chief Packaging Expert, JingdongLogistics Packaging Planning

Speech Theme: "Packaging SustainableDevelopment and Shared Green Future"



The latest meeting schedule is as follows:

Day one: Monday October 22, 2018 Full daycheck-in shandong Jinan Nanjiao Hotel

Day two | October 23, 2018 Tuesday


In the morning

09:00-09:10 Message from the President ofthe World Packaging Organization

09:10-09:20 Speech by leaders of ChinaPackaging Federation and China Packaging Corporation

09:20-09:30 Shandong Institute of ProductQuality Inspection leader's speech

09:30-10:00 Mr. Pierre Pienaar, Chairman,World Packaging Organization, Being Being Smarter and more adaptive to ensurethe future of sustainable packaging

Johannes Bergmair, Secretary-General of theWorld Packaging Organization, Packaging that Saves Food World innovativeplastics packaging that fight hunger, reduce food waste and improve socialconditions

10:30-10:45 Tea break

10:45-11:10 The Theoretical Development andIndustrial Practice of Sustainable Packaging in China by Xing Wenbin, Deputychief engineer of China Export Commodity Packaging Research Institute

11:10-11:35 Challenges and Opportunities ofPackaging in Circular Economy -- Special Focus in Development in Europe byAntro Mikael Saila, Vice Chairman of THE World Packaging Organization

11:35-12:00 Introduction to Green PackagingEvaluation Methods and Guidelines by Mr. Xu Chao, Deputy Director of ShandongInstitute of Product Quality Inspection (National Packaging Center, Jinan)

At noon:

12:00-13:30 Lunch, show and visit

In the afternoon

13:30-14:00 Labthink "Labthink NewSensor Release"

14:00-14:30 Analysis of Packaging Recyclingin China by Cui Yan, Secretary-general of China Material Recycling Association

14:30-15:00 Jongkyoung Kim, chiefresearcher of KCL from Korea, and his speech Techniques and Standardization onTemperature Controlled Product Packaging.

15:00-15:15 Tea break

15:15-16:00 Dai Yunlin, Deputy GeneralManager of Product Center of Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd., Head ofCreative Department. His speech: Application of Green Packaging in LiquorPackaging, Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery

Innovative Design of Contemporary GreenPackaging with Chinese Cultural Characteristics by Chen Yongjun, seniorengineer, School of Creativity, Shenzhen University of Technology

Function and Structure Design of PackagingProducts by Yu Guang, General Manager of Shenzhen Lvshang Design ConsultingCo., LTD.

16:00-16:15 "Industrial Policy, MarketStructure and Production Process Optimization of Paper Packaging Waste Based onEcological Cost Analysis", Professor Dai Tiejun, Institute of CircularEconomy, Beijing University of Technology

16:15-16:30 Tian Hui, Deputy Director ofthe Research Center for The Recycling of Electrical Appliances in the GreenDevelopment of China Household Appliance Research Institute, "GreenManufacturing and Green Packaging of Household Appliances Industry"

17:30-21:00 Labthink Night and 30thAnniversary Reception Party

Day three | October 24, 2018 Wednesday

In the morning

09:00-09:30 Chief Packaging Expert ofJingdong Logistics Packaging Planning Duan Yanjian Packaging SustainableDevelopment and sharing Green Future

09:30-10:00 Suning Purchasing Manager,Packaging Lab Director Xu Hailing, Smart Retail and E-commerce PackagingDevelopment

10:00-10:30 Kim, Soo Hyun, Senior Managerof LogisAll Group, Korea "Experience and Case Studies on ReturnableTransportation Systems" and "Experience and Case Analysis ofRecoverable Transportation System

10:30-10:45 Teabreak

10:45-11:15  Nestle Packaging Director Wang Xuetao"Nestle Packaging Sustainable Development"

11:15-12:00 Enterprise experience exchange

Noon 12:00-13:30 lunch break, show andvisit

In the afternoon

13:30-17:00 Field visit

Line 1: Labthink Instruments Co., Ltd.

Route 2: Shandong Quality Inspection AndQuarantine Institute (National Packaging Center · Jinan)

(The meeting schedule is constantlyupdated. If there is any change, please refer to the announcement on themeeting day.)


Concurrent Activities of the Forum

1. Council of the World PackagingOrganization (WPO) for the second half of 2018;

2. Exhibition and display of greenpackaging products;

3. Academic paper solicitation andexcellent paper theme report in the field of green packaging;

4. Launch of new products and technologies.


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